Music, Heritage, Art, Food, Contests and Activities – arts for the community- everyone is welcome!
Heritage Museum – 5553 Alaska Highway

Local Musicians
Friday Night, all day Saturday – live music on the stage – outdoors- so good! Are you interested in performing?
Contact Nancy at
Folky Strum Strum takes the stage Friday Night!
The Street Festival is made possible with financial support from:
Local Sponsors Street Festival 2023: Cooper Barging Service, Dall Contracting Ltd., Muskwa Service Ltd., Northern Rockies Maintenance and Cleaning and Raven Oilfield Supplies.

Participate in 2023:

Local Musicians
Friday Night, all day Saturday – live music on the stage – outdoors- so good! Are you interested in performing?
Contact Nancy at
Folky Strum Strum takes the stage Friday Night!

Heritage Artists
Join us and share your story in art culture and tradition. Connect with the community excited to experience your work and passions. Saturday, Sept 09, 2023, from 11 to 5 pm. Register for a table or chat with Nancy about your needs at
Set up will be from 9 am to 10:30 am.

Artisans and Artists
Tables are available for artists and artisans to sell or present their handmade original works at the artisan market Saturday, Sept 09, 2023. Register for a table with Nancy at
Set up will be from 9 am to 10:30 am, with the Market from 11 am to 5 pm.

Food Vendors
Friday, September 8, 4:30 pm to 9 pm. Saturday, September 9, 11 am to 5 pm. Food permits are required and must be posted at the event. Contact Nancy at if you are interested.

Saturday, September 9, 11 am to 5 pm. Would your organization or group like to join in Saturday with an artful or fun activity for the community? Contact Nancy at if you are interested.
Friday, Sept 9th, 5 pm – 8 pm LIVE MUSIC & STREET FOOD – festival classics – come hang out for great tunes & food, maybe a little “dancing in the streets” with lessons happening from 7 pm – 8 pm!
Saturday, Sept 10th, 11 am – 5 pm Live Music, Heritage presentations, Artful activities, an Artisan market, Food vendors, and the Show n Shine classic car event is 3 steps away. Whatcha-ma call it is happening at Art Fraser Park 10 am -2 pm!
Musicians: Randy Jorgenson – Chloe Forsyth & Ryan Bradley – Melinda – Derek Brown – Darryl & Jordan Laventure – John Roper

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors
Bounce 102.3 Fort Nelson Radio, City Furniture, CMP Sports, Cooper Barging, Flourish Massage, IDA, Linda’s Workshop, Massage Therapy, Northern Rockies Maintenance and Cleaning, Red Apple, Save on Food.